1. Open Google Docs
2. Click on Compose and choose FORMS
3. Start typing in your questions : Student name, parents name, phone number, email, .....you get the idea.
4. Once you are done copy the url it gives you.
5. Open up another browser (just in case;) and go to tinyurl.com
6. There it will help you create an easier URL for parents (ideas?....mascot, school name...teacher name...subject, etc.)
7. I would do a test entry yourself to make sure it is working out ok.
8. Have parent night and they can either fill out online form there or even at home if they have internet access.
9. When all done you can go to form summary and there you have all your information.
THERE YOU HAVE IT! A paperless, modern solution to parent forms:)....at least from the teacher;)